Quality Mental Healthcare Should be Accessible to Everyone

Through carefully selected referrals and financial assistance we're ensuring everyone has access to high-quality mental health care.

We are committed to creating an emotionally healthier society by ensuring quality mental healthcare is accessible to everyone.
We are currently focused on providing mental health referrals and financial assistance for Anglo, college-aged students, in Israel. Our long term goal is to expand our target demographic, provide advanced training for clinicians and to educate parents, teachers and children with the topics that will improve the mental and emotional health of the entire family.
I’m Looking for

Mental Health Referrals

Mental Health Referrals

We connect individuals with the right psychotherapists, psychiatrists or whichever clinicians they need, to ensure they receive the highest level of care and healing.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance

We offer financial aid for those that can’t afford the costs, to make mental health services accessible to all.



We advocate for mental health awareness and the destigmatization of therapy in our communities so we can have an emotionally healthy society.

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better tomorrow
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Our Work
Improving Mental Health Starts Here
individuals struggle with mental health issues every year.
of adolescents with a mental illness do not receive treatment!
of individuals who engage in therapy experience significant benefits.
sessions funded by Keren Ezra in the last several months!
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Meet Sarah*

Sarah was 18 when she came to Israel for a gap year program. Soon after arriving, she realized more than ever before how dysfunctional her family was. As the weeks went on, she began to notice how the emotional damage that she had experienced growing up was currently affecting her day to day life.

She knew she needed help.

She was in a foreign country with no family, no understanding of the healthcare system,
and no money to spare on mental health services. Her parents back in America were no source of help. She had nowhere to turn. 

Then, Sarah was connected with Dassi from Keren Ezra. Dassi listened to her story with care and concern. After an initial assessment, she was set up with a carefully selected psychotherapist for her individual needs. Keren Ezra paid the therapist directly for the majority of the costs, and Sarah was able to focus on growth and healing.
Fast forward 10 months, Sarah is back in America with a new hope for life.

She is an overall happier and more relaxed person, but is well aware that her new journey of emotional health has only just begun. She is excited to continue working hard towards building a beautiful life for herself and her future family.
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My therapist helped me work through my inner world
I now see the world in a different perspective. My therapist helped me work through my inner world and gain control of my thoughts. Thank you Keren Ezra.

Endorsed by Rabbanim

We are honored to be endorsed by Rav Yitzchak Berkovitz

Rav Berkovitz is the Rosh Yeshiva of Aish HaTorah, Rosh Kollel of the Jerusalem Kollel, and Mara D’Asra (spiritual leader) of the Sanhedria Murchevet community in Jerusalem. He is a leading expert on Mitzvot Bein Adam L’Chavero, the Torah’s wisdom regarding interpersonal relationships, and is the Posek (halachic authority) and spiritual guide for many organizations around the world.
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What is Keren Ezra's primary mission?


Our primary mission is to make quality mental healthcare accessible to everyone. We do this by providing mental health referrals and financial assistance, particularly focusing on Anglo, college-aged students in Israel.

How does Keren Ezra provide mental health referrals?


We have a network of trusted clinicians, including psychotherapists and psychiatrists. We connect individuals seeking help with these professionals based on their unique needs and circumstances.

Can I choose my own therapist?


We strongly recommend using our network as we carefully select clinicians based on their expertise and dedication to quality care. However, we understand the importance of comfort and compatibility in a therapeutic relationship. If you have a specific therapist in mind, let us know, and we'll do our best to work with your preferences.

How does Keren Ezra offer financial assistance?


We understand that the cost of mental health services can be a barrier for many. That's why we provide financial aid to those who need it. We believe that therapy is more effective when there is a personal investment. That’s why we require each person to pay a small minimum fee towards their therapy sessions. If even a small fee is not possible, we have other opportunities for creating a personal investment. 

How does Keren Ezra decide who gets financial assistance for therapy?


Our goal is to provide financial assistance to as many people as possible. However, due to limited resources, we've established a system to prioritize cases. We evaluate each situation based on the severity of the issue, the urgency of need, and the level of motivation of the client to engage in therapy. This approach ensures we can assist those who need our help most urgently and are highly committed to their therapeutic process.

What is the process after I apply for assistance?


Once you submit your request for assistance, a member of our team will contact you for a preliminary discussion. Based on your unique needs, we will connect you with suitable clinicians within our network.

Does Keren Ezra advocate for mental health awareness?


Yes, part of our mission involves advocating for mental health awareness and promoting understanding about the benefits of therapy.

Who endorses Keren Ezra?


We are endorsed by Rav Yitzchak Berkovitz, who is a leading authority in the Jewish community and a well-respected expert on interpersonal relationships.

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